Wednesday, December 8, 2010

10 Random Things - Tina | Bella Marie Photography

  1. I am scared to death of walking though the parking garage at work on a daily basis mainly because of crazy birds that come out of nowhere...I have screamed as if there is someone coming at me with a knife one too many times...
  2. I once hit a pheasant on the NS/NB border and drove it all the way to Halifax in my grill...I am a city girl and no one ever told me that pheasants can't fly!  I husband laughed really hard...that is just one example of his many insensitive moments!
  3. Birds are attracted to me...I swear...there have been too many close calls to call it coincidence!
  4. I climbed Gros Morne Mountain with my hubby - pregnant!  It's 806 m high and I am pretty sure that I had a panic attack half way up the mountain.
  5. I have milked a cow the old fashioned was on my list of "Things to do before I die".  It's harder than it looks!
  6. I am a mommy of two cats - Furbs and Ben...they love Stephanie a little too much...
  7. I'm obsessed with the TV show Dexter.
  8. My first job was at a shoe store but not just any shoe store - Naturalizer!  It's just not the most popular store for a 16 year old to work at.  One important lesson that was learned was to take proper care of your feet...they can get nasty if you don't...just saying!
  9. I have owned three dogs in my lifetime - Lucky (German Sheppard), Bruno (German Sheppard), and Pokey (A Mutt - miniature sheltie mix).
  10. When I was a kid, my favorite story was "The three little pigs" and I faithfully listened to a book on tape version of it every night before bed.

Thanks for reading!

Bella Marie Photography  |  Halifax, Nova Scotia

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