Saturday, November 27, 2010

Sneak Peek - New Addition to the Family | Bella Marie Photography

This was our first family photo session with a puppy and it was so fun! Tubby is a new addition to their family and you can definitely feel the love for the little guy. We can't wait to share the rest of the photos, but in the meantime here is a sneak peak for the family.

Friday, November 26, 2010

Favorite Fridays - Tina | Bella Marie Photography

I took this photo of my friend, Ulanda, this summer near Queensland beach.  This is my absolute favorite photo from that session and is still one of my all time favorite photos to date!  I just love the tall, vibrant green grass and the wind blowing just right...not to mention the obvious - that Ulanda was a beautiful pregnancy model!

Her long awaited and very loved baby girl was born last friday so I thought it was a perfect opportunity to showcase her maternity photo this week.  Congratulations to the new Mommy, Daddy and Baby!

Thanks for reading!!
Bella Marie Photography | Halifax Family Photographers

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

10 Random Things - Tina | Bella Marie Photography

1.   I am still a kid at heart and absolutely love Disney movies.
2.   On the other hand, watching the same Disney movie over and over again can really grind my gears...For
      instance, the Lion King a.k.a. "A-Ga-Ga"...all the time...seriously?!
3.   I worked in the garbage industry for 4 years while I finished my degree and was nick named "Trashy
      Tina".  We all had garbage related names in the office - get your mind out of the gutter people!
4.   I can't stand the sight of wiggly teeth and am frightened of the day my son starts to lose his baby
      teeth...what am I going to do???
5.   I am well cultured - my parents are from Portugal.
6.   Speaking of culture - I can really relate to the movie "My Big Fat Greek Wedding"'s my family to a T!
      I can especially relate to the following quote from said movie - "When I was growing up, I knew I was
      different.  The other girls were blonde and delicate and I was a swarthy 6 year old with
      sideburns"'s so true!
7.   I have an obsession with buying toys and books for my son.  I just can't seem to get enough.  I have to
      consciously think about not buying any baby related items when I'm at the store.  My husband would tell
      you that I have failed miserably in my conscious efforts and I guess I'd have to agree with him.
8.   I love to cook but hate to bake.
9.   I am secretly playing Christmas music and have been for the last 2 weeks...shhhhh...
10. My favorite movie is Braveheart and I think I am going to re-watch it tonight for the millionth time :)

Thanks for reading!

Bella Marie Photography | Halifax Family Photographers

Monday, November 22, 2010

Olivia's going to be a big sister! | Bella Marie Photography

I am so excited to be able to share these photos of Shannon, Craig and Olivia with everyone - finally!!!  I met Shannon and Olivia through a baby group that I had on the go whilst on maternity leave with Gavin.  Although Gavin hated other children touching his toys, including Olivia, us mommies faithfully met a couple of times a week to help each other through our sanity!

It's always the little things that get me.  During our photo session, Olivia kept saying "Tina" clear as's amazing to see our babies grow right before our eyes.  Olivia is all grown up now and, best of all, is going to be a big sister in a month's time!!

Shannon, you are as beautiful as always - inside and out!  Congratulations to the three of you - I can't wait to meet the little one!

We had two photo shoots with this lovely family - the first was indoors at the Brewery Market and the second an outdoor session at Oakfield Park.  Here is a sneak peek of both of those sessions!

PS - My baby group always tease each other about the amount of exclamation marks that we use in our messages and emails so I thought that I would stay true and use them freely in this post!!!!!!    


Session 1 - Indoors

Session 2 - Outdoors

Friday, November 19, 2010

Favorite Fridays - Stephanie | Bella Marie Photography

You can ask any family that has a dog and they will say their dog is a part of their family, like another child or sibling but furry.

As a child I always wanted a dog, and I will never forget how it all started. My dad had a handful of lobsters sitting in a sink ready to be boiled.  I had a brilliant idea that if I wasn't going to have a puppy I would have a lobster for a pet. I took one and put it in an ice cream container, full of water and hid it in my room. I vowed that it would be my pet unless my parents promised I would someday get a puppy.  Years later it came true and Mittens came along. Mittens was in our lives for 14 wonderful years and it wasn't until the beginning of this year that his journey ended. In tribute of the little guy and all of the great memories I have as a family with my 'fur sibling', I have shared a couple of my favorite photos of him (and my sister, Caitlin).

I encourage anyone who books a session with us that has a 'fur child' to bring them along. We will ensure to capture their little personalities just as we would your children.


Wednesday, November 17, 2010

10 Random Things - Stephanie | Bella Marie Photography

  1. I love the ocean, beach fires and collecting beach glass along the shore but I hate touching sand. Go figure!
  2. The one place I try to visit every year is Rissers Beach. My ultimate favorite place!
  3. I love family get-togethers... 'Family is where the heart is'
  4. My husband is my best friend.
  5. Brady is my dog, my little 'fur child'.
  6. I like sushi... okay, I love sushi.
  7. My favourite season is Fall.  I love the crispness in the air and the leaves changing colours.
  8. I have a passion for travel and I am always planning my next adventure. I've had a picnic beneath the stars next to the Eiffel tower, taken a horse drawn carriage ride through Old Montreal and married my husband in Las Vegas. I’ve tailgated with crazy New Englanders at a Patriots game (4x) and watched the ball drop on New Years Eve in Times Square.
  9. I work in marketing and love the creativity and the variety that lends itself to my job.
  10. I was in dance for 8 years of my life - ballet, tap, jazz, modern and hip hop.  I recently tried to get back into it and discovered flexibility is not my friend.

Friday, November 12, 2010

Favorite Fridays - Tina | Bella Marie Photography

Howdy all!
Well - I went to the Costco today and noticed that they have ALL of their Christmas decorations out and it got me in the mood!  I was originally only supposed to show off one of my favorite photos on this lovely "Favorite Friday" but I just couldn't resist showing off a collection.

I had to contain my emotions as I selected these photos.  They were all taken last November and Gavin would have been just turning 6 months.  He could barely sit up on his own....oh how time passes without warning!  He is now 17 months old and makes me laugh daily with his spunky personality.  This morning, we were dancing in my bedroom to Katy Perry as I got ready for work.  He just learned how to slap his legs to the beat and I wanted to freeze time!  I hope you enjoy these photos as much as I do. 



Wednesday, November 10, 2010

10 Random Things - Tina | Bella Marie Photography

1.   I love love LOVE sour cream and onion chips!
2.   I am not a morning person - I'm a big night owl and that conflicts with my baby's schedule. Which
      leads me right into point number 3...
3.   Coffee is my best friend.
4.   There is really nothing better than good bed linens and lingerie.
5.   I'm a perfectionist and it can stress me out!
6.   I moved to Halifax 10 years ago but I'm originally from NB.
7.   I have 2 jobs, a baby, a husband and began running...things are hectic but I wouldn't have it any other
8.   My hubby works shift work and I believe that the old saying is true that "absence makes the heart grow
9.   I'm not a fan of poop, pee, or puke but, unfortunately, I see them on a regular basis.....
10. I said that I liked Enrique Iglesias once and it hubby thinks I am his biggest fan....It's really not
      true but it's his word against mine now.  His face graced my 28th Birthday Cake....(big sigh)....

Signing out on behalf of Bella Marie Photography, 
~T  :)

Monday, November 8, 2010

Madison & Daniel | Halifax Family Photographers

I think that it is safe to say that Madison was a natural in front of the camera.  Her brother, Daniel, was shy at first but we quickly learned that he fed off of his sister's energy and the occasional tickle!  Together, they were unstoppable!

In my opinion, this beautiful Sunday afternoon was the best autumn weather we have seen yet!  Couple a beautiful day with a beautiful family and a beautiful field and presto, you've got magic!  On behalf of Bella Marie Photography, here are some precious photos of the "kids" - Madison...I know that you aren't a are a beautiful young lady ;)  Enjoy your photos guys - there are many more to come!


Behind the Lens | Bella Marie Photography

In an effort for you to get to know the photographers at Bella Marie Photography we are introducing two weekly posts to our blog! Tina and I will take turns every week to share a little about us. 

On Wednesdays, the post will be called ‘10 Random Things’, which you will learn about our funny little quirks and what makes us tick. On Fridays the post will be called ‘Favorite Fridays’, it will showcase one of our favorite photos from our personal photo albums.

Look out for Tina’s first post this Wednesday!


Little Liam | Halifax Family Photographers

When Susan approached Tina and I to take her family photos I was so excited to get her son, Liam, in front of my lens. As a ginger and no children yet, I often wonder if I will be fortunate enough to one day have a little 'ginger snap' of my own.

Liam was full of big toothless smiles and he was a joy to be around.  Thank you Chris and Susan for the opportunity to capture how precious your little Liam is at such a young age.  You can look back at these photos and remember that he learnt how to sit up on his own just a few days prior.
