Wednesday, December 29, 2010

10 Random Things - Stephanie | Bella Marie Photography

  1. A fast workday is awesome… but what is even better is a slow weekend that seems to never end.
  2. I am afraid of clowns.
  3. I always tear up whenever I hear bagpipes… not too sure why…
  4. I am a dog person.
  5. I am most happy when the people around me are happy.
  6. I love dance movies, musicals and movies from the 80’s… Girls Just Wanna Have Fun…Footloose... Dirty Dancing… Rent…
  7. I love Broadway musicals… the last time I was in New York I saw three!
  8. My favorite shows that I can’t seem to get enough of are True Blood, Dexter, Glee, Bones and Modern Family… they are all so different but oh so good!
  9. I have a thing for numbers. I love sequences or visually appealing combinations.  My birth date is 28/6/82. Nice, huh?
  10. I like things in 3’s… even when I am in the grocery store I typically buy things in three… 3 apples, 3 pears, 3 boxes of Kraft Dinner… even though there are only two of us in our household.
Thanks for reading!

Bella Marie Photography | Halifax Family Photographers

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Merry Christmas and have a Happy New Year!

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all of our wonderful clients, family and friends!
We can't thank you enough for your support in 2010 and we are excited for 2011.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

10 Random Things - Stephanie | Bella Marie Photography

  1. Whenever my husband and I watch a movie at home, I am guaranteed to fall asleep on the couch. Even if I am totally into the movie…
  2. I worked in Calgary for two summers during university at a trust company.
  3. The first big ticket item that I saved up all of my pennies for was a CD player.  I thought I had enough for a CD but didn't factor in tax and was so disappointed. I think my dad felt bad so he bought me my first CD, Ace of Base.
  4. I will admit that I am somewhat of a photography blog stalker.
  5. I received a pillow cover years ago that said, “Interruptions to my sleep will not be taken lightly”… it couldn’t be closer to the truth for me.  A girl needs her beauty sleep!
  6. I am not a big fan of hot drinks… no coffee or tea for me, please.  Although I will drink a hot chocolate during a cool, evening at a football game or by a campfire.
  7. I am a minimalist when it comes to décor and fashion. Simple and classic.
  8. I love Sudoku.
  9. A Christmas tradition that I’ve kept alive in my family, even though I moved out years ago, is a puzzle must be assembled around the holidays.
  10. I love reading trash magazines at the cottage.
Thanks for reading!

Bella Marie Photography | Halifax, Nova Scotia

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

10 Random Things - Tina | Bella Marie Photography

  1. I am scared to death of walking though the parking garage at work on a daily basis mainly because of crazy birds that come out of nowhere...I have screamed as if there is someone coming at me with a knife one too many times...
  2. I once hit a pheasant on the NS/NB border and drove it all the way to Halifax in my grill...I am a city girl and no one ever told me that pheasants can't fly!  I husband laughed really hard...that is just one example of his many insensitive moments!
  3. Birds are attracted to me...I swear...there have been too many close calls to call it coincidence!
  4. I climbed Gros Morne Mountain with my hubby - pregnant!  It's 806 m high and I am pretty sure that I had a panic attack half way up the mountain.
  5. I have milked a cow the old fashioned was on my list of "Things to do before I die".  It's harder than it looks!
  6. I am a mommy of two cats - Furbs and Ben...they love Stephanie a little too much...
  7. I'm obsessed with the TV show Dexter.
  8. My first job was at a shoe store but not just any shoe store - Naturalizer!  It's just not the most popular store for a 16 year old to work at.  One important lesson that was learned was to take proper care of your feet...they can get nasty if you don't...just saying!
  9. I have owned three dogs in my lifetime - Lucky (German Sheppard), Bruno (German Sheppard), and Pokey (A Mutt - miniature sheltie mix).
  10. When I was a kid, my favorite story was "The three little pigs" and I faithfully listened to a book on tape version of it every night before bed.

Thanks for reading!

Bella Marie Photography  |  Halifax, Nova Scotia

Friday, December 3, 2010

Favorite Fridays - Stephanie | Bella Marie Photography

I only thought it was fitting to add this photo because Tina and I will be attending the most talked about game of the season - Patriots vs Jets at Gillette on Monday night!

Halifax Family Photographer | Bella Marie Photography

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

10 Random Things - Stephanie | Bella Marie Photography

  1. For the most part I am a store brand girl but there are certain brands I love like Dove, Colgate, Heinz Ketchup, Kraft Dinner - substitutes just won't do.
  2. Speaking of Kraft Dinner, I love to experiment with my KD and it drives my husband nuts.  I’ve tried adding salsa, tuna, ketchup, slice cheese, hard cheese, hot dogs… sometimes it works out and other times, not so much.
  3. Which brings me to “KD” - I think I was the one who started it as my sister’s nickname.  Caitlin which turned into KT but she loved Kraft Dinner so much that it started to sound like KD and it stuck.  Sorry KD!
  4. I never really had a favorite color but I wear a lot of brown. Although, who wants to say their favorite color is brown.
  5. I love coupons but I seem to misplace them and only end up finding them once they expire.
  6. I always wish on a shooting star.
  7. I only get two haircuts a year.. my spring cut with highlights and my winter cut for Christmas.  I cut my own bangs in between cuts.  haha Weird, eh? This year I spiced it up for my wedding, I squeezed in a third cut.
  8. I love to dance. My dream is to be a part of a flash mob.  It would be amazing and absolutely hilarious.  Don't know what flash mob is?  Go to and search "flash mob".  Awesome!
  9. My favorite meal of the day is breakfast.  My dad makes the best breakfast, especially his blueberry pancakes.
  10. My first job was at an educational toy store which was a pretty cool job.
Thanks for reading!

Bella Marie Photography | Halifax Family Photographers